Local deliveries in Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge have never been easier.

Deliver to your local community at our lowest rates and connect the Tri-Cities. Your neighbours have never been closer.

You’re in good company

sample Trexity Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge delivery zone

Deliver almost anywhere in the Tri-cities.

Our delivery zone covers all the main areas of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge. Local delivery has never been easier.

Just pay per delivery.

With Trexity, you just pay per delivery. Delivery price is simply determined by how far your packages need to go—that’s it.

0 – 40 km$5 – $15 per delivery
40+ kmContact us

How Trexity works


Choose a pickup window on a day you’d like us to come to your store and pickup your packages.


Our couriers will come to your store, scan the packages, and deliver to your customers the same day.


You and your customers automatically get real-time tracking, SMS notifications, and proof of delivery.

Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge local delivery.

We have everything you need to never worry about your local deliveries again.

Where your store can be located in the Tri-Cities.

Use our address tool to check if your store is eligible for Trexity.

Kitchener Waterloo and Cambridge pickup zone

We now have customers that order once or twice a week for home delivery because it’s such a fluid and easy process. So from the customer point of view, working with Trexity has been great.

Peter, Sanagan’s Meat Locker

Like what you see?

Sign up or provide us with some information and we’ll reach out and start a conversation to explore how we can partner together.